We are all Post Grads — we meet in London. We are a small, informal group of Independent Kindred Spirits and we do not, for privacy and data protection reasons — keep data on our members, nor share their data with others. Our motto is ‘Face toFace is the new Facebook’. We keep things simple.

You might want to create your own Alumni group — our Alumni are dispersed all over the world and within other cities of the UK.

Being a collegiate system, your loyalty or friendship group might be connected to your college, your faculty, department or another educational institution. The university has Alumni and Development offices, but all colleges also have Alumni and Development departments. You might have formed a friendship group or society around a theme – Dr Who for example, or subject or geographical region. The Oxford Hungarian Society has combined with Cambridge to organise events in Hungary. Read More here

We are all independent and our views are independent of the university. If you are thinking of setting up your own group, we can share our lessons learnt or you can contact the university Alumni office.Read More here